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**Note** Don't forget to give a reason for your vote!!


Dedicated to the best Captain in the league


Dedicated to the most supportive teammate


Dedicated to the most expressive athlete in the league


Dedicated to the most cohesive relay team


Dedicated to the most unique individual in the league


Dedicated to the league's top phenom (outstanding newcomer)


Dedicated to a senior going on to bigger and better things


Dedicated to the most outstanding performance of the season


Dedicated to a best friend


Dedicated to the athlete who steps it up in the big meets


Dedicated to the athlete you'd most like to change places with


Dedicated to the athlete who overcame the biggest obstacles


Dedicated to the most spirited athlete


Dedicated to the undiscovered athlete who will someday amaze


Dedicated to the cockiest athlete (In a good way)


Dedicated to the funniest athlete