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November Walk - Herring Cove to Wood End
The date is October 31st and we are doing our November walk a day ahead of time. The weather was 59 degrees as we stepped out of the car at Herring Cove Beach. The walk was to take us 2.5 hours including the walk back from the west end rotary to Herring Cove.
This lone person at Herring Cove was practicing Tai Chi when we got there.
I posed in front of the Herring Cove facilities before embarking on our walk. Arlene again accompanied me. This was another section of beach we've never travelled.
Just west of the parking lot we saw the remains of an old pier.
After a short walk we stepped over the dune to see where all the paths were headed.
There was a large salt marsh that is primarily sand. At high tide there would be water here.
This seal was getting picked over by birds when we passed.
Here is another view across the salt marsh toward P-Town
Because of the haze you can barely make out our destination. It is a lighthouse just on the horizen.
For reference, I took this picture back toward the bath house to show how far we've come before spotting the lighthouse.
We had a choice of walking the beach. this elevated path, or the inland side of the dune. To keep in step with the rest of the walk, we stayed to the water-side.
This shows the dunes as viewed from the water. There are continuous paths up the face. For most of the way the dunes are no more than 10' tall.
Here is one of the many impromptu scultures made along the water.
This is a view of the inland side of the dune.
Arlene on top of the dune. Notice the balloon on the ground. There were quite a few along the beach.
The only other person we saw on the outer beach was this beach-comber who was picking up the net bai-bags found in lobster traps. He had a large collection.
This is some of the trash found in the wrack-line
Every so often we'd pass a large amount of trash. It usually looks like litter that was consolidated for later pick-up. In this case it was more the remains of a party. Although there were a few beer cans it was mostly water bottles - a usual remnant of Ecstacy parties.
This could have been part of an old pier.
After just under an hour we reached the lighthouse. We were walking fairly fast because the sand was firm near the water-line. Even stopping to take pictures I think we reached here a bit faster than the casual walker could expect.
The lighthouse and accompanying gas house.