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Cross Country
Courtney Klenk

Silently I anticipate the gun.
Warm tears tumble down the cheeks of my face.

Twenty minutes, my career will be done.
Beginning of the end, my final race.

Intense energy rushes through me.
While Fleeting through the woods, sweat replaces tears.

For a change I am dreading the last mile;

Depressed it is over after three years.

Crossing the faded line, I gasp for air.
The memories that I hold will not perish.
Words of encouragement, coach shows his care.
It is the end of something that I cherish.

Running requires the soul and the heart,
Because of this bond it is hard to part.

*Courtney finished a successful track and cross country career at Norton High School in 2002. She currently runs cross country and track for the University of Rhode Island

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