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Massachusetts State Finals - Preview
It boils down to this. You're a track fan or you're not. Some people follow this site continuously, almost religiously, because they want any insights that will make them more informed about what is going on in the sport. They want data, comparisons, and possible nuances that would explain why numbers don't tell the whole story – anything that puts them more in the know. This isn't the only place they go. Track junkies will go anywhere for a fix. They're on Dyestat, Flotrack, Runnerville, YouTube, USATF, individual school websites, YouTube again. Letsrun etc.
Others just come to see names and pictures of themselves or their athlete. The track fascination is done once the season ends for them or their child. My hit count won't see them until next year – or maybe never again. And that's OK, too. But, if you fit in that category - warning – this article isn't for you.
This article is for the junkie – because I'm going to feed your need for seeds. Take heed, then read. Once you are truly under the spell of track and field your thirst for information is insatiable. Here is northrunning's primer for state finals. If you are a “real” fan of the sport you'll be at Durfee this week to watch incredible action. If you are just a moderate fan you'll be jumping onto Saturday night to pour through results. And if you aren't that kind of track addict – “Why are you still reading this!?!”
If you are going to the meet, my recommendation is to get there early. Why wait? This is the perfect morning for an early breakfast - a large glass of OJ and your favorite cereal with fresh bananas and strawberries. Leave the eggs and homefries until Sunday. Once you get close to the school grab a large coffee or tea at Dunkin Donuts (there has to be one near the school). If you feel so inclined, grab one for your favorite coach too!
Once at the meet, stop by a few tents to say hi and wish good luck to your favorite athletes. It really does make a difference. Then peruse the field event areas. The running starts later than field – so if field events aren't your bag this is the time to get educated to the artistry involved in making it to the big time. Alas, the more skilled performers go last in trials. It will take a while until the divas strut their stuff.
At 11:00AM the decision must be made – track or field. Just don't get stuck in one spot all day. There are too many great things to watch. And now – on with the show!
This preview is in order of events although field events continue into the running.