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December '04 - Set 2
Long Point Lighthouse
A memorial set atop the tallest spot on Long Point
Looking for a picnic spot
Another look at the memorial
Remains of an old pier
Another angle
Looking at the remnants of the pier looking toward PTown
We took the path back along the inside shore. Our destination is the breakwater that starts near Wood End Lighthouse in the distance.
This time of year the wrack line gets deep with salt marsh hay. It is easy to find the high tide line.
We came across this remnant of an old wooden boat.

Though the way back to the breakwater looked clear, we ran into this river running out of the dunes. I wasn't totally surprised since I had seen an inland low area on a map. But I incorrectly surmised that at this tide we might not have a problem.

Though at some spots it wasn't more than a foot deep, rather than remove our shoes and ford it we decided to backtrack and walk around it. In warmer months we would have crossed it barefoot. I offered to carry Arlene across but she didn't take me up on the offer. Well, at least I tried. Going around would eventually add nearly an 1/2 hour to the walk. But it also showed us some new areas we were unaware of.
Circumventing this inland creek brought us back to the outer beach.
There was plenty of debris that washed its way into this marsh. Here was a sawhorse with a fishing lure attached.
Arlene found these steps.
This was a driftwood graveyard.
Cutting back to the breakwater we found this low area with some good sized trees. Quite a surprise for this barren area.
We still have a ways to go.
Finally back to the breakwater.
You can tell how much lower the tide is. Although there were still some slippery rocks there was little chance of getting wet.
Too bad this didn't come out better. It is taken from the breakwater and shows fishing boats, Long Point Lighthouse and Day's Cottages in the distance.